Environmental technologies

Jumbo launches green initiatives

Jumbo Electronics, a leading omni channel retailer in the region, has launched a series of green initiatives to build a culture of environmental awareness and sustainability among shoppers and staff.

Since July, Jumbo Electronics has replaced paper invoices with e-invoices sent by email to customers, said a statement from the company.

In addition to being environmentally friendly, this initiative is also convenient for customers who will be able to locate their invoices easily at the time of any service or warranty claim.

The second initiative is the launch of biodegradable and eco-friendly shopping bags with a brand-new design, it said.

These new shopping bags are being launched across all stores from September 2019 and are available for shoppers at no additional cost.

The third initiative is the launch of digital raffles and gift cards. Not only is this an environmentally friendly initiative, it is also very convenient for customers who need not fill in an old-fashioned paper coupon to take part in a raffle.

Every customer who purchases from Jumbo during select promotions automatically gets enrolled into an electronic raffle. Coupons are then seamlessly delivered to them via email or SMS.

The retailer is also in the process of investing a large amount to replace existing lighting at stores with energy saving LED lights. At present, 70 per cent of Jumbo Electronics stores have already been converted to LED lights. The balance will be converted over the next few months.

In addition to these, Jumbo has launched a complete range of Smart Home products including security & IP cameras, home automation and health, entertainment and connectivity.

Products like smart thermostats, air purifiers, smart home hubs are quickly becoming popular in the UAE. These would help in running an efficient home, conserving energy and promoting healthier lifestyles. These are available across Jumbo stores and are installed on a turnkey basis by the experts at the Jumbo Unwired team.

With these initiatives, Jumbo expects to reduce paper usage by approximately 1 million tonnes per year.

Pankaj Kumar, head of Jumbo Omnichannel Retail, said: “At our company, we care for the environment and are committed to preserving the planet for our future generations. As a leading electronics retailer in the region, we are happy to have contributed towards this cause, which we believe is dear to most of our customers.”